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 III. 3D TIMON developed by Toray (Japanese material supplier)

It entered to Chinese market in recent years. I’ve witnessed its performance and their engineer claimed that it is fast and correct. However, the result turns out that it is fast but not correct. We tested with MOLDFLOW and MOLDEX3D’s projects, which have been rechecked by their engineer. One week later we got the result, which even showed incorrect fill flow. Its material database may be smaller than that of MOLDEX3D (It doesn’t have those materials included both in database of MOLDFLOW AND MOLDEX3D). Few material suppliers provide data or ask test from Toray due to severe competition. It is specialized in optical birefringence line, which might because Japan is a powerful digital camera producer. Birefringence line analysis of MOLDFLOW is launched in version 6.1 and above, which only analysis for 8 to 9 types of materials.  
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